Manage Employees - Contacts / Dependents Tab

This tab allows users to add Emergency Contacts and Dependents to employee profiles.

Search and Edit

  • Select a status from the Status drop-down list to display Emergency Contacts and Dependents for the employee.
  • Click a column header to sort by that column.
  • To view or edit an existing contact, click on the Contact row. A grid will display below.

Add Contact

  • Click the add link.

  • The Active check box is checked by default. Uncheck to make the record Inactive.
  • Select Emergency or Dependent from the Contact Types section.
  • Select the relationship from contact to employee from the Relationship to Employee drop-down list.
  • Enter the contact's name in the First Name, Middle Name and Last Name fields.
  • Enter the address:
    • Using the respective Address fields, or
    • Checking the Use employee's address box. The employee's address will automatically populate.
  • Enter any notes in the Notes field.
  • Enter one or more phone numbers in the Phone fields.
  • Click the trash icon if you wish to delete a record.
  • Click the save button.


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©2021 | EMS LINQ, Inc.

School LINQ Help, updated 01/2021